The Bosch Serie 6 WAU28PH9GB washing machine with new design and intelligent automatic dosing system precision dosing saves you water and detergent.Home Connect home appliances with smart connectivity for an easier everyday life.Everything is automatically adjusted to the needs of your laundry depending on fabric type and the degree of soiling.EcoSilence Drive extremely energy efficient and quiet in operation with a 10 year warranty.SpeedPerfect perfectly clean in up to 65% less time.WaveDrum gentle washing thanks to a unique drum structure....Read More...»»
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The Bosch WAU28PH9GB can also be known as Bosch Serie 6 i-Dos™ WAU28PH9GB Wifi Connected 9Kg Washing Machine with 1400 rpm - White - A+++ Rated
Serie 6 WAU28PH9GB 9Kg 1400 Spin i-Dos Washing Machine | White