Hoover H3D4965DCE

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H3D4965DCE 9Kg Wash 6Kg Dry 1500 Spin Washer Dryer - White

Brand: Hoover

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £399.00 - £429.99 from 2 retailers


Quick Overview

Wash and dry your clothes to perfection with the freestanding H3D4965DCE. Youll find spacious 9 kg + 6 kg wash and dry capacities, an impressive 1500 spin speed, and a huge range of programmes to care for your laundry.143044 minute quick washes availableNFC Connected Connect your Android Smartphone to...

Wash and dry your clothes to perfection with the freestanding H3D4965DCE. Youll find spacious 9 kg + 6 kg wash and dry capacities, an impressive 1500 spin speed, and a huge range of programmes to care for your laundry.143044 minute quick washes availableNFC Connected Connect your Android Smartphone to the machineAutomatic Wash and DryCotton Care 59 minute...Read More...»»

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  • MODEL H3D4965DCE **** Key features **** * 1500 Spin Speed * 9kg Wash 6kg Dry * 143044 minute quick washes available * NFC Connected Connect your Android Smartphone to the machine * Automatic Wash and Dry * Cotton Care 59 minute....from PRC Direct
  • Wash and dry your clothes to perfection with the freestanding H3D4965DCE. Youll find spacious 9 kg + 6 kg wash and dry capacities, an impressive 1500 spin speed, and a huge range of programmes to care for your laundry.143044 minute quick washes availableNFC Connected Connect your Android Smartphone to the machineAutomatic Wash and DryCotton Care 59 minute....from Simply Electricals
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    The Hoover H3D4965DCE can also be known as H3D4965DCE 9Kg Wash 6Kg Dry 1500 Spin Washer Dryer - White

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