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Bosch Series 4 KGV39VWEAG 201cm High 70/30 Fridge Freezer - White - E Rated, White

Brand: Bosch

List Price: £599.00

Price Range: £479.00 - £599.00 from 6 retailers


Quick Overview

The Serie 4KGV39VWEAG fridge freezer with VitafreshBox very efficient keeps your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. Bosch has also included their low frost technology resulting in having to defrost less often.VitaFresh keeps your food fresh for longerLED lights bring a completely new lighting concept...

The Serie 4KGV39VWEAG fridge freezer with VitafreshBox very efficient keeps your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. Bosch has also included their low frost technology resulting in having to defrost less often.VitaFresh keeps your food fresh for longerLED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridgesBigBox frozen food drawer for stacking storage containers or for large frozen food items.EasyAccess Shelf retractable glass shelf for convenient loading and unloading and a perfect view.LowFrost defrost less often thanks to lower ice formation saves work and is energy efficient....Read More...»»

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  • Bosch Serie 4 KGV39VWEAG Free Standing Fridge Freezer in White....from Next Domestic Appliances
  • Look after the weekly shop with this fridge freezer from Bosch. Its BigBox compartment is perfect for stashing that extra tub of soft scoop. And as it's got a special VitaFresh drawer, you can adjust moisture levels for your tasty greens, keeping them at their best for longer. Unpacking a hefty shop Clever FreshSense tech constantly monitors the temperature, making sure your favourite foods are consistently chilled at all times.....from
  • The Serie 4KGV39VWEAG fridge freezer with VitafreshBox very efficient keeps your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. Bosch has also included their low frost technology resulting in having to defrost less often.VitaFresh keeps your food fresh for longerLED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridgesBigBox frozen food drawer for stacking storage containers or for large frozen food items.EasyAccess Shelf retractable glass shelf for convenient loading and unloading and a perfect view.LowFrost defrost less often thanks to lower ice formation saves work and is energy efficient.....from Simply Electricals
  • KGV39VWEAG Freestanding Fridge Freezer....from Hughes Direct
  • Bosch KGV39VWEAG 60cm Series 4 Fridge Freezer WHITE....from Appliance City
  • Bosch Series 4 KGV39VWEAG Free Standing Fridge Freezer in White....from Boots Kitchen Appliances
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    Bosch Series 4 KGV39VWEAG 201cm High 70/30 Fridge Freezer - White - E Rated

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